10-Minute Core Yoga Burn
I’ve been trying to commit myself to 10–15 minutes of yoga plus a 30-minute walk a day to build strength and flexibility, and increase energy and sleep better, but it hasn’t been easy. My husband and I just came down with a virus that put us both on the couch for 48 hours and I didn’t feel great on the third day either so my efforts got de-railed for a bit but I’m back on it this week!
I think it’s expected to have slip-ups like this but as long as you get back on the horse you’ll make progress towards your wellness goals.
I got back on track with this 10-minute core strength yoga routine. It took me 10 minutes to complete, then I meditated for 5 additional minutes in seated meditation. I held each pose for 5–10 good breaths.
This sequence includes boat pose, which can be very challenging. My goal was to hold this pose in the straight-legged version each time I went into it, but I was bending my knees by the third time.
Boat Pose great for building abdominal strength and also improves balance and focus. To hold the pose, begin in a seated position. Lean back gently while you lift your legs in the air to form a v shape and extend your arms forward. You can also bend your knees for a less challenging pose or place your palms on the mat behind you for additional support.
This sequence also includes a lovely stretch with a supine twist. It’s difficult to describe but take a look at this picture:
You begin on your mat laying down on your back facing up. I chose to extend the top leg, grabbing my left big toe with my right hand (just fingers), and then pulled my left foot across the right-hand side of my body for an intense hamstring stretch with a supine twist, but you can feel free to take a bend at the knee as shown in the above image if you prefer.
10-Minute Core Yoga Burn
- Boat Pose
- Folded Pose with Supine Twist to the left
- Boat Pose
- Folded Pose with Supine Twist to the right
- Boat Pose
- Child’s Pose
- Forearm Plank
- Cobra
- Down Dog
- Child’s Pose
- Forearm Plank
- Cobra
- Down Dog
- Child’s Pose
- Forearm Plank
- Cobra
- Child’s Pose
- Seated Meditation
This routine really fired up my core and helped me to center myself, and relax before my day really even began. I hope you enjoy it too! Any questions on the flow? Comment below and I’ll get back to you.
Interested in more 10–15-minute morning yoga flows? Check here for my lower body sequence. For more yoga routines, visit www.howsitflowin.com.